DEI is for Everyone

STRIDE believed it was important to publicly ask its community to supports both the town’s and school system’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts including forming a town-wide DEI committee, forming a joint SPS-School Committee DEI Task Force, and greenlighting a DEI Director position to serve the Scituate Public Schools.

As town officials and school leaders continue to face public pushback and opposition to DEI work, we would like to elevate stories and voices of those who support these efforts. We believe that DEI work will benefit everyone in our community by providing opportunities to learn from and with one another; cultivate connections, conversation, and community; and practice individual and collective reflection on important topics.

STRIDE are asking you to contribute to a “DEI is for Everyone” public support campaign. We will use anything shared with us via this survey form to create a public-facing campaign that will be visible on the STRIDE website and FB page. All statements will be shared anonymously. We encourage adults, students, and SPS graduates to contribute.

(If you would like to share the link to the survey form, copy/paste this:

Background Resources

Read and learn more about the DEI work currently underway in our town and schools:

  • Link to 12/14 School Committee meeting. Comments opposing the DEI work in SPS as well as comments of support from community members and statements of resolve from School Committee members and Superintendent Burkhead are in the public comment periods from 1:36:25 to 2:21:20 and from 2:58:40 to 3:12:50.

Next Steps:

1. Continue to reach out to decision-makers to advocate for DEI work via email, mail, or in person. Personal outreach continues to be an important signal to leaders that they have the support of their constituents. Remember, we have links on the Stride website to help you.
2. Have a conversation with your children about DEI: What are they learning? How do they understand DEI work? What do they need/want more of? Consider supporting them to also write to Superintendent Burkhead, the School Committee, or their school’s leaders.
3. Join a School Committee meeting prepared to speak publicly on behalf of DEI efforts. You can prepare written remarks or speak off the cuff. Your remarks should be under 4 minutes in total.
4. Make sure you are on the STRIDE email list ( and scroll to the very bottom for a join link) and have liked the STRIDE FB page (@ScituateSTRIDE) and invite 2-3 friends/neighbors to join.

Questions? Other ideas? Email the STRIDE Steering Committee at


DEI Director Hire


We Are All Just Temporarily Abled